A theme that Frank and Ian notice in successful people is a propensity for action. Rather than tinkering forever on the creative process, they get to a 70% solution and test. Seth Godin calls this endless tinkering loop a “failure to ship.” In this podcast, we explore the psychology behind procrastination and talk through the real-world ramifications and rewards of mastering this problem.

  • Great music albums are rarely over-produced and neither are careers
  • Colin Powell’s “40/70” rule
  • The importance of simple rules – “Is it built in wood or brick?”
  • The most important factor before investing in a startup
  • Stop studying and start believing in yourself
  • Evaluating risk with your personal capital at stake
  • The difference between a novice and a professional
  • Doing more of anything makes doing it once seem less daunting
  • If you are going to flop, you might as well do it quickly
  • Done is better than perfect